Monday, July 22, 2013


Summer in Splashing Colors

Despite the discomfort of summer heat, the colorful hydrangeas against the block wall provides a cool  refreshing effect throughout the walkways.  Like a kid in a candy store, there so many colors to choose from... don't know which one to pick first because they are all so delightful and cheerful to the senses.  Can't wait to plant more.

The fuchsias and the hydrangeas on  the left side of the third garage continues to attract and impress passerby with its continuing prolific blooms from $pring through $ummer.

The hibiscus trees can grow more than 7 feet tall unless they are properly pruned each year to control its vigorous growth during summer.  The large double blooms (see below) hang on long sturdy branches which not only provide the much needed protection from the hot afternoon sun for the fuchsias and hydrangeas below them but also create a nice canopy for a pleasant afternoon stroll along its pathway.  This is part of our "multi-tier" gardening - with different floral display simultaneously - hibiscus above the head, fuchsias at eye level, and the hydrangeas below the waistline.

These huge pink blooms of the hibiscus tree complement the bicolor fuchsia (pink sepals with purple petals) and provide striking contrast to the blue and white hydrangeas below them. Although the blooms lasted only for a day or two, but their continuous and abundant blooming throughout summer give the garden a "tropical" feel - almost like being in an exotic island in the Pacific.


The delightful dahlias are among the last of the summer bulbs to bloom but the long wait is worth it.
The bicolor spider dahlia (bright pink with yellow center) is a knockout of all the bulbs.

The yellow dinner plate size dahlia has the largest bloom among the summer bulbs -  it provides a focal point in the middle of the garden against the white and blue lilies of the nile floating in the background.
How can one miss this one without expressing a huge compliment to this gigantic attraction?  Get your smartphone ready and click away! It's a $uper$tar!


LIMELIGHT  is one the late blooming hydrangeas that provides a vibrant and unique color from mid-summer through early autumn.  While all other hydrangea blooms (in the background) starting to fade,  this one produces a bright chartreuse color that complete the colorful spectrum of the rainbow in the garden.  Look almost like cotton candy from afar, it draws you closer and makes you want to touch and feel its delicate and dainty petals.