A garden won't be complete without roses.  Along the front walkway, we planted hybrid roses (Tournament of the Roses, John F. Kennedy) and miniature roses.  These are among a few of the rose bushes that we decided to keep.  Behind the gate, the dinner-plate dahlias had reached a height of 5 ft.

We got rid some of the roses (above) to make room for our vegetable garden (coming soon).  Don't get us wrong, roses are beautiful when they are in full blooms, however, powdery mildew and rust is a problem when foggy cool nights are followed by hot and bone-dry days.  Constant spraying does very little to help solve this problem.  Roses seems to be high maintenance plants compare to hydrangea or hibiscus that requires very little care.

Clematis and giant Calla Lilies are planted against the block wall which add colors during spring.  Clematis is a vine and it needs some stakes or another plant to cling on.  The white Calla Lily blooms are huge and can grow over 4 feet tall.  However, you must consider that fact that this plant (bulb) is very invasive and once you plant them on the ground - they're very difficult to get rid of. 

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