Saturday, February 1, 2014


Happy New Year!  The unseasonably warm weather this winter in Southern California has affected most of the plants.  They're so confused whether it's time to hibernate or start budding.  Nevertheless, the Purple Statice (Sea Lavender) and the golden yellow freesias perk up the front yard with their bright and contrasting colors.  Also, the sweet fragrant of the freesias fill the morning air as you passed by.

At the back, the double kalanchoe (cuttings from last year) kicked off the new year with their bright orange blooms along the brick planter/sitting wall - something to cheer me up when I take my daily morning stroll.

We also planted some of the cuttings on pots and put them outside right by the kitchen window so we can enjoy them from the inside.  Kalanchoe is so easy to grow.  We just planted them around the whole yard whenever there is a bare spot available.

Usually around this time of the year, the freesias are freely blooming everywhere.  But due to lack of rainfall and chill this season, some of them tends to grow slower and smaller compared to last winter (2013).   These freesias are so fragrant and they make good floral arrangements that will last about a week.

Even though most of our flowering plants are not yet in season, we just couldn't help but notice this dwarf Washington navel orange tree (about 5 ft. tall) that we planted a few years ago.   After a long wait and almost mishap to this tree which was nursed back to life, this is the first time that it has fruits and these huge oranges seems ready to be picked anytime.   Hmmm... they just look deliciously sweet and they truly are!!!

Adding two urn planters at the entrance of the walkways create a new look to the garden for the new year.  The Birds of the Paradise also started early this year and more buds are on their way for a long blooming season.