Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hydrangea Paniculata

Growing Limelight and Pinky Winky

Pinky Winky - planted in the fall of 2017. It bloomed the following summer of 2018 and never fail to bloom again in 2019. 

Pretty amazing how the old blooms started to turn pinkish with the new blooms come out as white.

Limelight - also planted the same time with the Pinky Winky.  It bloomed the following summer of 2018 and again in 2019. 

Found the perfect site for the Limelight hydrangeas - right in front of the yard - under full sun. 

These are the "summer hydrangeas" (both Pinky Winky and Limelight).  They took over right after the "spring hydrangeas" (pink, blue and purple) are nearing the end of their blooming season (in the backyard - under partial shade).