Thursday, April 25, 2013

Splendiferous Spring of Succes$


At last, $pring is finally here again.  The white Hybrid Roses (J.F. Kennedy) and miniature white roses greet everyone at the front yard while the yellow Dutch Irises proudly stand guard in front of the newly painted iron fence.

Even though we divided and reduced most of the bulbs last fall (due to overcrowding), but still they came back a plenty this spring.  These irises never fail to impress us every year.    They fill the front gate (right) and behind the gate (below) with exquisite blooms and provide perfect match to its surrounding white and pink miniature roses.    

The once dominant and colorful freesias (now, in hibernation) bowed out graciously and made way for the cheerful blooms of white and pink miniature roses (these are from cuttings) as they lined up on the sides of our front walkway - cordially inviting everyone. 
Welcome and enjoy the $un, the $ight, and the $mell.  Nothing more relaxing and rewarding than spending the day wandering around our little garden of $ucce$$. 

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